Send Later with Scheduled Send

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You can now schedule mail to send at the most convenient time. Read on to learn how to schedule an email in Fastmail!

We’re thrilled to announce Scheduled Send! Scheduled send is one of our most frequently requested features. It gives you the option to choose when your messages will be delivered to a recipient’s mailbox.

“I love being able to choose the delivery time of my mail. Scheduled send lets me write my mail when I’m ready, but thoughtfully choose a time for it to arrive that’s best for the receiver.” - Nicola Nye, Chief of Staff at Fastmail

Scheduled send gives you the freedom to write emails at the time that suits you and send them at a more appropriate time for your message. For instance, you might want an email to your dentist to deliver during office hours, or if you spent the weekend working on job applications, you can deliver them strategically during the week to get the most attention.

How to schedule an email in Fastmail

To schedule an email in your Fastmail account, use the dropdown menu next to Send when composing a new message. Then, select the time that you would like the message to automatically send.

The dropdown box will be filled with common email scheduling choices:

  • Send after your meeting with “Later today”
  • Reach your friends and family when they are off the clock with “This evening”
  • Make sure your mail is at the top of your colleague’s inbox with “Tomorrow”
  • Send an event notification with “This weekend”
  • Prepare commonly sent emails (Your future self will be grateful) with “Next week”
  • Or choose the timeline that works best for you with “Choose a date and time.”

Check messages that are queued up by looking at your “Scheduled” folder. If you’ve changed your mind about sending, or want to edit your message, you can cancel the schedule. The message will return to a draft, so you can edit and reschedule or just delete it.

Why you should schedule emails for later

We are living in an increasingly technological world. Whether you are a remote worker or an entrepreneur with an online business that has customers in many time zones, scheduled send gives you the autonomy to schedule emails to arrive in the future with confidence.

This level of customization is important to Fastmail’s international team.

"Scheduled Send means that our international team can set messages to arrive at a time that is respectful to the different schedules and time zones of our colleagues. It helps save time and helps our email work for us.” - Alexandra Perkins, Project coordinator at Fastmail

Fastmail lets you take back your time. We give you the ability to deal with messages when it’s best for you, then send them to your correspondent’s inbox when it’s best for them. It’s a win-win situation where you get more attention, show respect, and get work done on your time. Ways that scheduled send works for you:

  • Never have to wake up early to send out an 8:00 am email again
  • Stop worrying about ruining your weekend or your colleague’s weekend by sending out a 5:00 pm Friday email
  • Write reminders to yourself (or others) to arrive when you need to remember it
  • Flexible schedules and multiple time zones mean being able to write emails at a time that’s good for you and having them be sent at a time that’s best for your receiver
  • Don’t forget about emails you want to send by leaving them in drafts
  • Nothing is set in stone. You can easily unschedule messages if you change your mind.

Make scheduled send a part of your Fastmail workflow today

Fastmail puts you in control by letting you decide what customizations are important to you! Thank you to everyone who has requested this feature.

Scheduled send is part of a powerful workflow. If you’re on a Basic plan and want to use this and all the other features to take control of your email, upgrade to a Standard or Professional plan.

Let us know how scheduled send will help you the most by tweeting @Fastmail with the hashtag #FMScheduledSend by May 31st, 2022. The person with our favorite response will win a Fastmail swag bag!

Additionally, if you’d like to tell us more about how you use Fastmail, fill out this survey for the opportunity to be featured in a future Fastmail blog post.

If you’re new to Fastmail, give us a try to see this feature in action with a 30-day free trial!

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